Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"Breathe and Stop"

I feel a major sense of relief because Term 1 of my Spring semester ended. I've been in the midst of completing final papers and projects for the past week. So now I have a few days of no looming assignment or project deadlines to worry about before the next term begins. Now I have to focus on completing other types of deadlines like finishing my taxes and doing my FAFSA for the next semester...sigh. Despite my personal task list that does not seem to have an end, I'm feeling pretty good! And the sun looks like it might make an appearance today after a very rainy couple of days!

Blazer: Macy's (boy's section)
Dress: Target
Boots: Target
Tights: Target
Earrings: Modcloth
Sunnies: Marshalls

Album Currently on Repeat: 'The Love and War Masterpiece' By Raheem Devaughn