Wednesday, March 3, 2010

26 things to do in my 26th year

I turn 26 next week and I've always been a goal oriented person and enjoy making lists of goals (and actually accomplishing them!), so I decided to make a list of 26 things I'd like to do in my 26th year:

  1. Write a short story.
  2. Travel to a place outside of the U.S.
  3. Travel to a U.S. state I’ve never been to before.
  4. Learn how to proficiently use Photoshop.
  5. Create a piece of artwork, frame it and hang it in my home.
  6. Do several random, anonymous acts of kindness for other people.
  7. Join a church.
  8. Decide on a signature baked good and perfect it.
  9. File 501c3 paperwork for the non-profit I’m starting with a friend.
  10. Wake up to see the sun rise.
  11. Sew a piece of clothing.
  12. Start learning French (via Rosetta Stone).
  13. Start meditating.
  14. Start doing yoga.
  15. Take some ballet and African dance classes.
  16. Make new friends.
  17. Spend time quality time with current friends.
  18. Obtain a mentor, and cultivate that relationship.
  19. Mentor someone.
  20. Watch less TV.
  21. Smile more. Stress less.
  22. Master highway driving (sounds weird, but I haven’t driven since I got my license a few years ago…)
  23. Go to a concert and see a musical artist I’ve never seen before.
  24. Spend quality time with my grandparents.
  25. Pay off credit card.
  26. Create a vision board for my more defined short term goals.

It's my intention that 26 will be a positive, memorable year!