Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cruise Style

IMG_0248, originally uploaded by ShenDove.

This outfit photo was from a few days ago when I went on a cruise to Mexico with my family. I appreciated the brief respite from cold winter temperatures but wish I hadn't come back to the most snow DC has seen in decades. This outfit will now go back into storage for the next few months...

I didn't take outfit photos this weekend because it's way too much snow outside to take proper photos, and I really do prefer to take photos outside on the weekends because I end up having to take indoor photos during the week because it's pitch black outside by the time I make it home. Yet another reason to look forward to spring, more daylight! But in the meantime, I'll just be happy that the sun is shining brightly today. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Tank: Banana Republic
Skirt: Target
Belt: Urban Outfitters
Sandals: Target (kids section)
Earrings: Top Shop


  1. At first I was like, wait, that's not DC? Where's the snow? But then I read you were on vacation in Mexico! Good for you! And please don't tell me DC is unfashionable-- it's where I hope to end up! Ha

  2. Ha ha! DC does has style but I guess the "grass is always greener on the other side" right : )

  3. Oooh I know you from Weardrobe! Thanks for stopping by, I'm excited to discover your blog now, I love your style :)

  4. Oooh I know you from Weardrobe! Thanks for stopping by, I'm excited to discover your blog now, I love your style :)

  5. Ha ha! DC does has style but I guess the "grass is always greener on the other side" right : )
