Friday, January 29, 2010

Ode to Target

Worn January 27, 2010, originally uploaded by ShenDove.

I wore this dress a few days ago because I realized while looking through my closet that I've only worn it one time (on Thanksgiving Day) since I purchased it during the fall and I didn't even photograph myself that day. It was time to put the dress back in rotation. My whole outfit with the exception of my cardigan is from Target. I literally work across the street from a Target and that store is my 'budget kryptonite.' I've been pretty good at staying out of there for the past few weeks because I inevitably spend money when I do go in. I'm itching to make a quick trip over there and browse around the Junior's section, but I'll stay strong. Target, how I love thee...

Dress: Target
Tights: Target
Boots: Target
Cardigan: Old Navy


  1. hey - i love that dress and the pop of yellow with the cardigan is a nice touch. i also love your setting - is that where you live? the exposed brick inside is so nice

  2. Thanks! I didn't actually take this photo at my house, but I love exposed brick so it's my favorite indoor spot for outfit pics till the warmer weather comes.

  3. That dress is sooo cute! Great pic and great outfit.

  4. Thanks! I didn't actually take this photo at my house, but I love exposed brick so it's my favorite indoor spot for outfit pics till the warmer weather comes.
