Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My (Belated) Style Resolutions for the New Year

I love the begining of a new year, because it's an opportunity to make goals or resolutions for what I'd like to accomplish in the New Year. I've written about my personal, career and financial resolutions a few weeks ago on my other blog, but I also have a few style resolutions:

  1. Remix more of my clothing items. Reading style/fashion blogs and magazines has become a regular source of inspiration in remixing my existing wardrobe and I'd like to continue to remix items in my wardrobe in ways I've never worn them instead of buying new items when I feel uninspired. It's fun to look back on photos of the different ways I've worn clothing items and think up future ways to wear them.
  2. Learn basic sewing skills. Clothing fit is always going to be a problem for me because I am short. I can't even tell you how much money I've spend over my lifetime on clothing alterations. I'd like to learn how to do basic heming and create one piece of clothing before the year 2010 ends. Sewing could save me money and become a creative outlet. This goal is feasible because I actually received a small sewing machine as a Christmas present!
  3. Rely less on big-box retailers. I feel that at the age of 25, I am just developing my sense of style and nothing makes me cringe more than seeing another girl walking down the street wearing the same exact clothing items as me. Now I know this is bound to happen sometimes, but shopping in places that aren't big-box retailers should cut down this occurence. Seeking out thrift and vintage stores instead of shopping where every other person in my age demographic shops will prevent me from cringing when I see someone wearing my exact outfit as often and is actually a "greener" way to get my fashion fix.
  4. Cut out the mindless impulsive shopping. I am a bit of an emotional spender and when I get bored or upset about anything, I tend to shop. H&M and Target are the main places I head to when I've feeling down. Some people eat when they get upset, I shop. I never spend a lot of money at one time, but all of the money I spend on mindless shopping could go toward other goals like traveling or paying off debt.

These style resolutions are realistic and will force me to be more creative in the way I dress. Fashion should be accessible to everyone no matter your price point and I continually like to inspire myself and others to feel the same way; my resolutions are just one way to hold me accountable to that belief.

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