Monday, January 25, 2010

I Joined the Slow Readers Book Club...You Should Too!

You are invited to join and become a part of the Slow Readers Book Club! I can never seem to find the time to join a book club, so 2010 is the year I plan to remedy this and you can too! This different take on a book club is inspired by the Slow Movement effort... a goal to rebel against the rush of a world that wills us to be quicker-faster with a very conscious attempt to really slow down and appreciate and connect with what's around us. I think this is something we forget to do in the social media society that many of us exsit in these days.

The first book for the club will be Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls. 'A magnificent, true-life novel based on her no-nonsense, resourceful, hard working, and spectacularly compelling grandmother.' The plan is to read, discuss as a group (via email) and ultimately write about the book on Thursday, March 4th (two months from now).

Send an email or comment with your own email address so that you can be added to the Official Mailing List. You don't need a blog to join, but if you do have a blog, please help yourself to a button *HERE* and be sure to link it back to what ends up being your first post on the Slow Readers Book Club.

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